
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Interview of Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTex)


# Bangladesh University of Textiles –a dream comes true, how do you feel now?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: It was indeed a very long journey. The whole textile
community was eager to see this for long time. When you will achieve a thing after awaiting an elongated effort you may be just satisfied and think back if I could get it in time. But when it is kind of a textile
university, the necessity only increased by the pass of time and also our dream was deepen day after day. So it is really a great dream of me and also of the entire textile community of the country. For a long time I was working in the College of Textile Technology as principal and many development work has been done during that period. Thanks to the government that now it is an autonomous authority to dedicate for the betterment of the industry so for the country. So I feel a deep content that the former College of Textile Technology is now the University of Textiles, which is probably the second one in entire Asia or the world. But for me it is now a challenge to prove our demand a true story. If I was not the Vice Chancellor of the university, I would rather be happy enough with a feeling of satisfaction. But it becomes a challenge for me with the responsibility. And here I am committed enough to engage my full sincere effort to set an example of an ideal specialized university and I am proud to be the first Vice Chancellor of the University.

# How are you planning to start Post-graduate courses and in which areas you would like to focus?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: At a very first step we will focus to the quality of education, the second priority is to start masters program and the third step to start research. We will be working to improve the quality of the existing programs. For example, as you know now 220 students of each batch are being divided in to two groups only, hence 110 students are doing class and practical in a group which is huge. At the very beginning we are going to increase the sections of students. And secondly we will ensure regular class more strictly. Though those monitoring was existing always, we will emphasize more now onward. We are going to start new B. Sc. Programs in the subjects like production engineering and maintenance.

To start the works in a considerable pace we are going to recruit a good number of teachers. We already have written to UGC for approving the recruitment of 28 teachers at the first process. This is the thing I would like to complete in a short period of time.

# How the post graduation level study will commence here in the new university?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: In the post graduation level we already have formed a committee consisting of four departmental heads and a dean in the chair. They are working to give a report how the masters program can be started from next July. Initially we are thinking to start masters program for four specializations like yarn manufacturing, fabric manufacturing, wet processing and garment manufacturing. Our focus is to attract the B.Sc. Textile Engineers working in the industries for the programs. As the professionals are going to do take the programs, M.Sc. program may be in a modular format and the classes can also be held in the evening time. There may be a full time masters program also. The committee is also working to finalize the details design. A masters program may require roughly one and half a years time.

# What is going to be the enrollment criteria for masters program?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: Many engineers working in the industry were asking that those who are working in the industries for years will be able to enroll in the masters program? I can assure that our focus is to attract them and may be they will be given priority. Here B.Sc. is a terminating degree, so opportunity should be equal for both the fresh graduates and the old graduates. But we definitely will ensure the scope of all. For the fresh textile graduates also the situation is same as job is available and they can join somewhere.

For the engineers of the other discipline to enter into the masters program will need to take a post graduate diploma in textile engineering and technology. Otherwise they will not be able to enroll in the course. In course of time we will provide that post graduate diploma programs also.

# How BUTex is going to give scopes for researchers and how researches will be anchored?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: Research is the priority that we will do as early as possible. In this aspect also a committee already has been formed to come to a decision. We may take the example of BTRC of BUET to create a research cell. Research may be in collaboration with the industry. By involving private sectors we may focus to the basic of research to solve the problems of the industry. So research topics will benefits the industry directly.

To reach to the starting of PhD program we have to be prepared properly. After starting masters some research will be started and after that we will go for PhD program. Before starting doctorate programs we have to prepare faculties. For example each department will need at least 2-3 professors to start those programs.

# Would like to create scopes for international students to create an international flavor and good blend of culture?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: We can focus to that area also. Already some students are coming from countries like Nepal, these may increase in future. We will go for associate ship with the foreign universities. Already you know, we have received some interests for a Japanese university, a German university. We are very interested to start exchange programs. Creating higher education scopes for the teachers of the university is another priority of me. As a university now we can fulfill our teaching positions as per our requirements. Now we will not have to wait for somebody else’s permission or approval. Now we can do all necessary recruitments, promotions and vacation decisions fast and as per the necessity. So, I will focus to create more scholarship opportunities for our teachers to get foreign degrees. This is the way of quality development. Their foreign experience will make this university reach. May be all will not come back but still we will have to continue sending the teachers. In a pure government position getting a job is tough and removing inefficient people is more difficult. But as an autonomous authority we can create scopes and reward the performers and we can take actions against inefficient employees.

# How the infrastructure is going to be developed?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: Already we are starting a project for infrastructural development. We are going to start a new academic building of 20 storied foundations. Initially we will complete 10 floors. There will be another small complex in the form of a utility centre, where there will place for banks, canteens, shops etc. The project is already in the planning commission. We hope to get the project approval with 2-3 months. After completing tender process we wish to start work with in this June.

# How is the structure of the university? Is it PPP?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: No it is hundred percent government or public university. It is not like Jagannath University.

# As per the law BUTex has accreditation authority. Do you think it will make BUTex, the centre of total textile education in Bangladesh, how?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: The former College of Textile Technology was the only institution for textile education in the country for years. By the time and with the flourishment of the industry many institutions has been giving various level textile education throughout the country. An integration and central control become necessary. Bangladesh Textile University will be the centre of integration.

Many universities don’t have the affiliating power which we have. And initially we will affiliate the government colleges those who are giving B.SC. degrees in the textile area. The private institutions may be considered later.

# What is the present scenario of Bangladesh Textile education comparing with the world textile education?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: Textile industries are the place where knowledge of all divisions of science, commerce and arts are being applied. The industries are no longer in the western countries rather those are here is 3rd world country like Bangladesh. So, global textile education also will be transferred to the countries like Bangladesh. Researches more focus to the applications will help this university to become one of the leading universities of the world.

I feel a concern about the all private universities textile engineering degree. I think this is the high time to assess and see whether they have the capability of taking such a huge number of students in each semester. Adjusting with the demand is important and more important is to check whether they have the necessary facilities and infra structure and lab facilities to take such enrollments. We can understand the situation that now in the university we are taking 220-240 students in a year where there are private universities who are taking 350 in each four months.

# What is going to be the impact of BUTex in the textile industry in near future?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: The strongest part of Bangladesh University of Textiles can be working in association with the industries. I expect the industry owners will come forward to support the university to conduct researches and uplift the standard of the industry. University will be keen to transfer the developments to the industry very quickly. We can focus to solve the existing problems of the industry through research and thesis programs.

To associate the industries very immediately we are planning to invite the renowned ex students of this institute for a tea party to discuss the possible association scopes. We would like to understand what we can get from them and what their expectation is from us? I am taking it as a very important issue. I would like to take their opinions in curriculum development, involved them in faculty exchange, stipend and scholarship taking, intern ship, job placement etc. Researches to solve their problems will a very big area. In industry they can associate such number of people and time for problem solving what we can do here in association with them. We can help in both process development and product development. We can work to find out the best possible result and set best practices in the industries. You will see that those type of research are being done in India also.

CITRA, BITRA type of organizations are working by the fund of industries and working for the necessity of the industries. Here may be we cannot be very good in co fundamental research but we can be pioneer in applied type of research to work to solve the problems and to create new ways for further development in the operations and applications. I would like to convey to all that we are interested to work with you. I see the industry institution linkage as a major issue.

# What is the vision you set for the first textile university of the country?

Prof. N. C. Sutradhar: Our institution may be a smaller one and a brand new one but our target is to set example for all other Bangladeshi universities and would like create position in world ranking by ensuring quality education. We can raise our rating by ensuring quality. Being a small organization or having a small number of students is not a problem for that. Quality is our top concern; we will never compromise the quality.

Now what we will do is in our hand. We will not need to wait any more for others approval. Hence now success is on our performance. Now we cannot blame others, so everything is on our performance and that is our challenge. For me as a first Vice Chancellor I feel honored and more I take it as a Challenge. Morning shows the day; therefore all will see the beginning with high expectations. We also have to prove that government decision is right and we are the right people to run the university. Our vision is to set this university as an example for others. Now it’s our mission how we will achieve that.


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1 comment:

  1. wizard article to investigation i pass on bookmark it too
